Track: | Special Track Int. Logistics Management |
Follow-up / Interfaces: | Internal Logistics Processes |
Pre-requisites: | Pre-reading and preparation tasks |
Didactics: |
Lecture, case studies, individual tasks, plenum discussions |
Exam: | Term Paper |
ECTS points: | |
Lecturer: | Prof. Dr. Martin Göbl |
Aims and objectives:
The aim of this unit is to give an overview about all aspects of strategic logistics management, the role in the organisation as well as internal and external interfaces and synergies. Students will learn that not just the efficiency of a logistics system is important but moreover the effectiveness.
According to the textbook “The power of logistics” the students will learn how to implement a clear logistics strategy based on a Logistics Business plan. Within this approach they will learn new and actual concepts of Strategic logistics management models like Strategic portfolios, Logistics Balance Sheet, Logistics Balanced Scorecard, Value Stream design, -Blueprinting, SCOR systematic.
The participants will also be able to implement these concepts. To focus the practical implementation different case studies out of various industries and retailer companies will be used. Furthermore a logistics management simulation will be conducted to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.
General learning objectives:
Students who pass the Logistics Track will understand the value chain concept from a strategic perspective. This includes the inbound and sourcing process, the internal logistics and operation processes as well as the outbound process. A very important focus is that these logistics experts know how to implement the right tools to change a logistics system into a strategic element and effective area to gain a competitive advantage for their company.
Graduates are capable of applying their problem solutions to their business environment.
Graduates are convinced that having a profound and holistic understanding of different functional areas and tasks of business management helps to achieve any kind of business objectives.
Detailed learning outcomes:
- Gain knowledge about all aspects of strategic logistics management
- Learn about it’s role in organization as well as internal and external interfaces and synergies
- Know the basic rules of implementing a clear logistics strategy based on a logistic business plan
- Learn about new and actual concepts of strategic logistics management and how to implement them (eg. Strategic portfolios, Logistics Balance Sheet, Logistics Balanced Scorecard, Value Stream design, -, Blueprinting, SCOR systematic)
- Understand the content of a Logistics Business Plan and implement it onto a practical example
Course textbooks:
Göbl, M. | Froschmayer, A. (2011): The power of logistics, Gabler 2011.
Providedsimulation manuals
1. Define boundaries of the logistics system
- Logistics functions in a company
- Definitions
- Logistics trends
- Logistics vs. Supply Chain Management
2. Establish logistics target / Develop logistics strategy
- Strategic considerations
- Business vs. Logistics Strategy
- Creating Logistics Competitive Advantages
- Measure Logistics impact on company goals
3. Design a Logistics Balanced Scorecard
- Balanced Scorecard
- Defining of logistics objectives and KPIs
- Logistics ratio systems
- Implementing a Logistics Balanced Scorecard
4. Develop a current and target Logistics Balance Sheet
- Definition of Logistics Balanced Sheet
- Measuring the Success of a Logistics System
- SCOR Systematic
- Derivate recommended actions
5. Logistics marketing instruments
- Logistics vs. Marketing
- 7Ps of service marketing
- Benchmarking
- SWOT analyses
Recommended supplemental readings:
Ballou, R. H. (2001): Business Logistics Management.
Bolstorff, P. | Rosenbaum, R. | Poluha, R. (2007): Spitzenleistungen im Supply Chain Management. Ein Praxishandbuch zur Optimierung mit SCOR. Berlin, Springer.
Christopher, M. (2011): Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Fugate et. al. (2010): Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Differentation, in: Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2010.
Göbl, M. (2003): Die Beurteilung von Dienstleistungen.
Göpfert, I. / Froschmayer, A. (2010): Logistik-Bilanz.
Mangan et. al. (2008): Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management. John Wiley& Sons.
Schramm-Klein / Morschett (2006): The Relationship between Marketing, Performance, Logistics Performance and Company Performance for Retail Companies, in: Int. Rec. of Retail. Dostribution and Consumer Research, Col. 16, No. 2, P.277-296, 2006.
Stock, James R.; Lambert Douglas M. (2001): Strategic Logistics Management. McGraw-Hill, 4th edition.