Accountable Product
Resource Management
Policy Declaration
Capitalized Equipment, also called managed Equipment, as defined in Policy 601, concept of Capital Equipment, should be identified with a numbered UNC-Chapel Hill decal/bar code. Detail by detail documents of Capital Equipment exist inside the decal/bar signal system. System reports prepared from detailed Capital gear files offer yearly equipment inventory reports and stock reports on demand. Divisions must report Capital Equipment place changes and lacking gear to Capital Assets, also affix decal/bar code labels to equipment, as requested.
Not One.
Q: My division wants to get a sorter for a copier that currently has a decal. The sorter costs a lot more than $5, 000. Does the sorter require a new decal?
A: The sorter will be considered an inclusion to your present copier, as well as the worth of the sorter will be included with the copier decal asset record. The departmental requisition for the sorter should reference the copier decal.
Q: My department needs an additional lens for a microscope with a decal number. The lens purchase price is $4, 500. Is this an addition toward microscope?
A: No, this lens will be considered an offer item, account 537210 is most likely.
Q: My division wishes a listing of Capitalized Equipment for a particular building. Can I request that style of report?
A: Yes, equipment reports are sorted in a variety of ways. Call Asset control for your request.
Q: My department cannot find a piece of gear since our last actual inventory. What do we do?
A: Follow Procedure 603.2 as helpful information into the numerous departments to inform. Investment Management requires a Capital Equipment Relocation type.
Q: i’ve equipment with a pc fix Center Tag. Performs this mean it is to my gear inventory?
A: Asset Management’s silver and blue tags say demonstrably “Property of UNC-CH” with a club rule and decal number.
Q: My department is being relocated because construction or remodelling. Can I get in touch with Asset Management?
A: If the short-term move is expected to final 90 days or more, investment control should-be informed. Request a report from investment control and note the possessions that are switching area. Publish this report with notations to investment control. It isn’t required to distribute a Capital Equipment Relocation form with the report.
Capital Equipment | Investment Management | 919-962-6267 | 919-962-6271 |
July 6, 2012: included information from vermont Finance Improvement and Transformation venture Capital investment Standards version 5.1.
July 16, 2009